.pdf Print Hacks for teachers (and not only)

Have you ever wandered how to print pages smaller or print the same page twice on the sheet? Here are some tips that may help.


Have you ever wondered how to print pages smaller or print the same page twice on the sheet? Here are some tips that may help.

There are times, especially with younger children, when we have a whole sheet which they use in a minute and sometimes even in seconds. I have a student who doesn’t like coloring but insists on having coloring sheets as everybody else and last time they had an ABC coloring page, he did it in 10 seconds flat, just scribbling a couple of colors on. I am OK with it but a lot of times I really grieve over all this paper. Then with younger kids, it may take a lot of time to color so you may prefer a half-page with the same content if you expect they will lose patience. Here is how to do it. (In an Adobe Reader Software, printing a pdf document).

After you open the ‘Print’ dialogue box.

  • select the range of pages you want to print
  • select ‘Multiple’ button
  • select the number of pages you want to print on one sheet. I typically go with 2 or 4 to print cards. Although there are some special circumstance that may require to print 12 (see below coloring pages for fairies 😉
  • select Orientation



I’d been using the upper technique for some time when one day I needed to print just one page, half page, for 10 kids. I tried a couple of times and ended up printing it half page but the rest was blank – total waste. The same night I spent an hour searching for how to print the same page twice on a single sheet. I found nothing (now this was some 10 years ago so another awesome person may have written a tutorial since then).  Then out of nowhere, the idea struck me to just write twice the same number page. And it worked! I was so excited and it was the moment I knew I need to share this knowledge. So here it is plain and simple.

Do the same as printing multiple pages but in the box for the page number write the page you need as many times as you want it per sheet.

printing tips - the same page severaltimes

It’s how fairies do coloring – print very small 🙂


Sometimes you want to print just half of your page but have no time for editing. Here’s how:


While the above method is great and easier in my view, it may result in a slight difference in size if you need to print more than one page and you need your print puts to be exactly the same. Here is another method that is just a bit more complicated but you can easily repeat the size when you print again.

  1. Increase the size of the page using the percent option until what you need printed is the size you want but still fully visible on the page.
  2. Click the small hand icon to be able to move your page around until what you see is what you’d like printed
    In the print menu:
  3. In ‘Pages to print’ find and click ‘More options’
  4. Select ‘Current view’
  5. Print your page

I hope this trick will help you, save your time and make your teaching life a bit easier and more exciting (not that it typically needs more of the last 🙂 )

5 – PRINT A BOOKLET from worksheets

to be continued…

Bonus: How to know what pages to print from a huge .pdf file:

I’ve been asked more than once about a page index for bigger .pdf files. The first time it happened I was about to go and make one when I realized  Acrobat has already got the function. This is the Page Thumbnails window where you see all the pages and their number.
Let’s say you want to print 5 pages from across the document but you don’t know their numbers and don’t want to scroll endlessly up and down.

If the the Page Thumbnails window is not visible, click the arrow (1) (see picture below).

Then move the slider (2) so you can see the pages you want.

Open the print dialogue box and move it to one side so you can insert the page numbers you need printed.

Click the Pages option and in the type in the numbers in the small window with a comma. If you want to print pages 1, 3, 15, 78 – this is exactly what you will type in. (3)

Check what pages exactly will be printed by using the arrows (4)

Hope this is useful!


The Bulletin Board Letters from the example can be found here: Cactus Classroom Decor – as a bundle or as a single resource – Cactus Bulletin Board Letters Printable

.pdf Print Hacks for teachers (and not only)

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